Need A Physical Therapist?
Ruby Mountain Physical Therapy
With over 21 years experience of Physical Therapy serving the greater Elko area.
Ortho And Sports Rehab
Customized rehabilitation for all abilities and skillsets to address post-operative spine and joints as well as orthopedic and sports injuries.
work injuries
Recovery from injuries that occurred while on the job with a focus on preventative care and return to work in a timely and safe manner.
manual therapy
A wide variety of hands-on techniques including passive motion, manual stretching, Graston technique, soft tissue and joint mobilization.
Dry Needling
Dry needling is a skilled technique performed by a physical therapist that involves the insertion of a single-use sterile monofilament needle.
(775) 777-7722

service location
1910 Idaho St #101
Elko, NV 89801
Open Hours
Monday - Friday
8AM - 5PM